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Copy Editing



I offer copy editing, proofreading, fact-checking, and typecoding services.

For more about editing services, click here.


I coach individuals to arrive at their best writing.

I write fiction and nonfiction.


Read recommendations from authors here.




For copy editing, you and I will negotiate a fee structure based on sample material you provide, the level of edit you desire, and your intended audience.


Generally I charge $35.00/hr, depending on the material and your needs.

I extend a 20 percent discount to all BIPOC (black, indigenous, or persons of color). 

I offer $25.00/hr for full-time, enrolled students.

I am open to discussions about barter, and I exchange hour for hour -- 1 hour of my professional service for 1 hour of yours, rather than dollar for dollar.  

Larger projects (such as books, theses) may be negotiated at a project rate. 

Additional fees (typically, 30 percent of total cost) may be charged for rush jobs.

A rush job is anything that requires me to push other previously scheduled work or life functions (sleeping, eating, walking the dog) aside.

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